My opinions about Harry Potter


I’m feeling super potterhead lately, probably because my sister started reading the first book after millions of times I begged her to read them. I even told her I would get her the books if she wanted. Also Freeform was doing a marathon of HP movies and while I was in Orlando I watched them.

My sissy reading Harry Potter got me into thinking a lot about this beautiful story and how much my opinion of some characters has changed since the first time I read about them. So I’m going to tell you a bit about that and get into those and discuss them a little, shall we?

  • Dumbledore


Before: I LOVED the man, he was the best headmaster ever, so majestic and wise and ancient. His death was one of the worst things ever in the books. He was so good and loved Harry and was a good father figure for him.

Now: What an irresponsible fucker. First of all, he knew Harry was being abused by the Dursley’s and did nothing about it. He didn’t help Harry enough and often hid information from him eventually putting him in more danger. He also made kids do dangerous things to save others instead of being an adult and handling it himself or at least going with them. He could have told Harry that he loved him… if he ever did (not counting The Cursed Child), instead he manipulated the kid. He shared a lot of Grindelwald’s opinions and wanted to work with him, even if his sister’s death changed that, the idea was there.

Plus points: He’s really good for memes. I came to peace with this character, though if I think long enough I kind of don’t like him at all for what his way of handling things. J. K. Rowling said he was gay and I think that’s amazing but it also sounds like she didn’t write him to be like that at first and she only said to gain more popularity.



  • Regulus Black


Before: Who…

Now: The slytherin character every slytherin fan should have been looking up to. Wish we could have learned more about him. What is attributed to Snape, being a death eater and then changing sides and joining the good team, it’s kind of Regulus story. He was also a death eater but the younger Black sibling didn’t change his mind for an obsession he had over someone who clearly wasn’t into him, he did it because he realized that what Voldemort was doing was wrong. He discovered and destroyed one of Voldemort’s horcruxes all by himself! I’m sad that Sirius never got to know what his little brother did, I think he would have changed his mind about him and been proud.

Minus points: He was sort of obsessed with Lord Voldemort at first, yikes…

  • Severus Snape


Before: He had funny moments in the books and in the movies! So glad he was actually good all these time because I liked him! He was protecting Harry which might have meant that he cared about him. James and the others were really mean to him so there’s a reason to why he behaved like that with Harry. I’m glad Lily ended up with James but the back story with Severus was cute. All in all I think he was a good slytherin and Harry did right by naming his child after him.

A little later: No. Piece of shit. He bullied children. I hate everyone who actually thinks he’s a good example for a slytherin and everyone who says he’s their favorite character. He was obsessed with Lily and yeah, okay, James bullied him but Snape defended himself, he was even creating spells that were really dangerous. He called Lily a mudblood and expected her to what? fall in love with him? I don’t think so. Bye felicia!

Now: necessary douchebag. He did help defeat Lord Voldemort and protected Harry even if his reasons were horrible. He bullied children and was horrible to them. Neville’s biggest fear was Snape, that should say enough about the level of abusive he was to the kids. But let’s not forget that just because Snape was a little shit, we shouldn’t praise James’ behaviour, he was also kind of douchebag.

Plus points: I don’t really like him but he’s also my favorite character in A Very Potter Musical. Harry’s choices of names for his baby were horrible and I feel sorry for Albus.



  • Harry Potter


Before: I know he’s the principal character and the hero but I can’t seem to sympathise with him. He’s kind of rude…

Now: LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY  SASSY CHILD HARRY POTTER! He grew up dismissed and abused by his family. He was lied to in regards of his own parents death. Imagine thinking that the best part of your life happens in school?! Okay a magic school, true, but still! Even though he grew unloved he still was kind and nice. Chose to use those similarities he had with Voldemort/Tom Riddle as a strength. He was left alone by Dumbledore for the most difficult tasks and still accomplished them. He would have died to stop Voldemort: HERO MATERIAL! Also, down to earth af! When he discovered the wizarding world and how famous he was he remained humble. Even if he discovered he had the power to hurt the Dursley’s for how much they mistreated him he remained kind and went back to that horrible house every summer. While everyone saw Luna as a crazy person he was one of the few who actually befriended her and was nice to her.  Like, I could keep going but I’m going to stop because I’m getting emotional.

Plus points: Harry is savage


  • Draco Malfoy


Before: Little shit. Seriously Annoying. Low key handsome.

After: Okay. Still kind of a little shit but I understand that it was expected for him to be like that. He was raised in a house of death eaters. He was taught this just like Ron was taught to be good by his parents who believed that what Voldemort was doing was extremely wrong, I mean, Arthur was obsessed with muggles in the most adorable way possible. Draco was just a kid who grew up in other circumstances. He was sort of socially pressured to follow the steps of his parents. The fact that he couldn’t kill Dumbledore touched me a lot. Of course these thoughts don’t blind me on the fact that he was a bully, he called Hermione a mudblood and yeah, an overall horrible little shit.

Plus points: Draco Malfoy being adorably portrayed by Lauren Lopez in A Very Potter Musical changes a lot your view on this character



  • Hermione Granger


Before: She Is Perfect! Did everything right. Ron and Harry would have probably died without her.

Now: My view on Hermione hasn’t changed a lot but I came to the conclusion that she was, in fact, not perfect and I think this is something everybody can notice and that was express in the books. Hermione was controlling and stubborn. She often didn’t believe in what her books couldn’t explain, the fact that she left her divination class because she didn’t believe in professor Trewlaney made it quite clear. I like this little things that make her not perfect, I think she’s a great female character and a great gryffindor to look up to.

And finally…

  • Hogwarts


Before: BEST PLACE EVER. I want to go, I would literally live there.

Now: BEST PLACE EVER but… I would like very much to explore and learn more about the others schools.

The moral of this post is if you didn’t watch it yet, you should head to youtube and watch A Very Potter Musical. I tell this to every Harry Potter fan who doesn’t know what AVPM is. Siriusly, comedy gold.

What opinions about Harry Potter changed for you? Leave a comment! I’m interested in reading you. Hope we read each other soon!


Favorite Youtubers

Oh my god! Look who’s back…

I’m shamelessly coming back to WordPress to talk about my favorite youtubers and to tell you that I’m going to try a new dynamic. I’ll try to post more about entertainment and occasional opinionated posts but as to personal posts talking about my traumas? I’m going to try to avoid them.

I feel like I finally found a way to go with the blog. I cleaned it from all posts I wrote and disliked and I’m ready to move one… I think.

So let’s go! I’m going to talk you about my favorite youtubers. Two years ago I wasn’t into YouTube. I liked watching Buzzfeed videos and conspiracy theories but that was it. Now I have gathered a bunch of channels I actually love and want to talk you about in no particular order.


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I love Disney, like love, love, love, loooooove Disney. Around 2014 I started watching videos about people who worked on Disney and their experience. That’s how I got into Sarah and her channel (the yellow shirt girl from the pic). Later I discovered she had another channel with other cool people (Patrick, Tiffany and her boyfriend Leo) about Disney and I became obsessed since then. I think is because they make me feel near the parks when I’m really a million countries away.

Thingamavlogs use their channel to talk about Disney parks, movies… basically a lot of Disney content. They’re actually really cool and I grew up to anxiously expect their videos every week. They’re my favorites of all favorites.

Practical Folks

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So Practical Folks do a lot of sketches and love talking about Game of Thrones, which I would be into if I had watched past the fourth season. I know one of these days I’m going to keep watching it… one of these days…

Anyway what I love about this channel is their series Drunk Disney where they get drunk and watch Disney movies while commenting on them. When I say love I mean I probably have watched the videos more than three times, that’s how much I enjoy them. They’re really funny and the channel quickly became one of my favorite ones. Extremely recommended!



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I also started watching Kenna while looking for “working at Disney experiences” (she made a video about it) It was around the same time I started watching Thingamavlogs.

I have never been into this kind of youtubers, the ones who talk about makeup or lifestyle, but she was into Harry Potter and Disney and dressed as a fairy which for me was enough to subscribe. I think that if you had asked me who was my favorite youtuber a couple of months ago I would  had answer it was her. She’s sort of the youtuber I would want to become if I ever had the courage to do something like that.

Lately she’s been having a bit of a problem for some problematic things she’s been doing (plagiarism I think) which I personally think is not being handled pretty well and I have to admit it takes a bit of the love I have for her because she still has not come through and explained her viewers what really happened. Instead, she turned off the comment section.

She’s pretty unique though and has great recommendations for anime so I say that if you’re into cute outfits, fairies, poems, Disney, Harry Potter and Anime, watch her. Also funny thing about this is that after subscribing to Kenna I realized that I was already following her on instagram long time ago.


The Pinup Companion

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I subscribed to this beautiful youtuber like a month ago and I already love her. I have been into the vintage stuff lately so I found some videos on YouTube and instantly got caught up in Rachel’s style and funny comments. The music, the clothes, the style, I love everything about this channel!


Thomas Sanders

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Thomas was one of my favorite viners so I don’t know why it took me so long to find his YouTube channel. I seriously don’t understand how such a wonderful person came from Vine. He’s so funny and comedy gold. Not only that but he’s super woke! It’s not only about funny sketches with his self-created characters that describe each aspect of his personality but is also about the important message that his videos leave.


The Milk Club

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Sofie’s fashion sense is so on point! I  subscribed to her after watching some videos of 90s lookbooks, they are so accurate and you could tell she does a lot of research. I don’t actually know what else to say but the fact that she’s super cute and nice and I love watching her videos.



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Probably one of my favorite youtubers and  the first american youtuber I watched. I fell in love with her Does This Thing Really Work series but never subscribed because she’s sort of a makeup youtuber and I wasn’t into that. After a while I finally ended up subscribing, her personality and style caught me! Even if she’s talking about things I’m not into I still watch it because she’s such an original person, I never met someone as unique as her and I had found myself missing watching her videos if I don’t watch them for a while.


Orion Carloto

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I subscribed to Orion two months ago and I’m already in love with her and find myself waiting anxiously for her videos to come out. She’s style goals, funny and nice!

From books, to little artsy sketches she’s the ultimate “I want your life” kind of person.



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What I love about Lucy and her channel is the way she plays with her hair recreating different styles and imitating looks from characters from movies or history. It’s basically what I wish I could do with my hair if it was so frizzy and thick and short.

Anyway, I love fashion history of not only clothes but makeup and hair so I enjoy watching her videos a lot!



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Grace is Kenna’s roomie and best friend and also the reason I started reading again. Like a year ago I was super upset with the amount of books I was reading per year and decided to change that so I downloaded goodreads and also started following Grace who’s a booktuber. She’s also super cute and has a beautiful style so win win for me.


Anyway I follow a lot more but I think these are the channels I’m always eager to watch videos from.

If you feel like it comment what youtubers do you watch? 

Hope you enjoy and also that we read each other soon!


“You always see in movies and in books that an introverted character eventually breaks out of their shell because one person changes them and if I’m being honest, I hate that. I hate the idea that something is wrong with introversion. Yes, socializing is good, but not a lot of people understand how physically and emotionally draining it is to be in crowds of people or to be told to “let loose” and “have fun.” As an introvert, my idea of fun is sitting on my couch reading a book, and listening to the rain as it hits the roof. If that’s boring to other people, then that’s fine, but I shouldn’t have to feel bad just because I have a different way of having fun. No one should.

Introversion shouldn’t be scolded, it should be embraced and celebrated and people who are introverts shouldn’t have to feel bad about it. There is no need to try and change something about us we can’t help.” – yatoofthedawn on tumblr

A little something I read a while back on Tumblr and decided to share it because I wish everyone I know would understand this.


Fashion: The Man From U.N.C.L.E

The Man From U.N.C.L.E (2015) provided such a great costume design by Joanna Johnston (Love Actually, Forrest Gump, and Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.) I loved the fashion in this movie so much I decided to talk about it over a collection I created in Polyvore.

30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and partially 60’s were really problematic years when discussing social rights. Racism, sexism and discrimination were alive and pumping. But if there’s something I would save from those years (besides some great movies) is the fashion. I have always been a fan of the classic vintage style.

The famous movie that recreates the famous TV Show of the same name is settled in the 1960’s. Joanna Johnston talked about the many inspirations she took from Vogue issues from 1966 and 1968 as well as specifics such as Victoria Vinciguerra’s style referenced by Marisa Berenson and Veruschka.

While Illya Kuryakin’s famous turtlenecks also appeared in the movie being used by Armie Hammer (I love him so much!) the hat, for example, was inspired by Jean-Paul Belmondo’s hat in À bout de souffle (Breathless).

The movie displays a variety of colors commonly used in the 60’s even though a lot of what Johnston used to dress Elizabeth Debicki (Victoria) and Alicia Vikander (Gaby) are pieces of clothes you can find nowadays in your local extra expensive brand shop. Gaby’s earrings, for example, are Marni and her sunglasses, House of Holland.

Both women style is also very different. While Gaby, a communist young mechanic from East Europe dresses in these very clear, fresh, young colors with a young style. Victoria’s wardrobe is almost exclusively black and white throughout the film.

A while ago after watching the movie I felt terribly inspired and decided to do a collection based on the movie. I’ll leave you with it!

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Hope we read each other soon!

REVIEW: Beauty and the Beast


YAY! I made it, I watched Beauty and the Beast and I’m… I don’t know exactly how I’m feeling but I hope writing this will help me.

Okay so, if you don’t know about it, I’m a huge, huuuuge Disney fan. Imagine the type of fan who doesn’t live in a country with a Disney park on it and somehow still manages to go once a year. That’s me. I’m not your average ‘Omg, I love Disney movies too!’ type of fan, no. I’m more like “I want to buy Disney posters and fill my house with them”.

Beauty and the Beast has a special meaning for me, thanks to it I learned how to read. I used to have this little plastic book with illustrations of the movie and a cassette. I would put the cassette and follow the narrators words. I even remember the sound it made every time I had to turn the page. Cute memories. There’s also the fact that I think it is one of the best Disney animated movies ever made and the soundtrack… Oh, God. Don’t even make me start on the soundtrack because this will end up being a long, long post.

So, I was delighted by the beautiful cast the movie had. Ever since they said Emma Watson was going to be Belle, I knew she was perfect for the role. I had a lot of people telling me they didn’t picture her at all which struck me as odd because all I could see in her was Belle potential. I never really seen anything with Dan Stevens (the Beast) on it apart from the new fox tv show “Legion” I have yet to watch but I was delighted by his performance in the movie, though sometimes it was a little difficult to analyse because I was not really seeing him.  Luke Evans made such a great interpretation of Gaston, I was so charmed by him and angry, just like I always was everytime I saw Gaston in the animated movie.


Josh Gad and Lefou presented a little more of a challenge. When Disney said that Beauty and the Beast was going to be the first movie to introduce a gay character and that this character was going to be none other than the villain’s silly sidekick I was a little bit unsure that it was the right way to introduce LGBT characters into Disney films. Not only Lefou was on the bad side of the story, making him one of the villains but also because his name literally means “The fool”, and I don’t know about you folks but I found it quite displeasing. I think everyone had their insecurities about the subject. But (and a strong “but”) after watching the movie I think it was amazing. I think my favorite part of the movie was a scene featuring Lefou, I was so surprised by how well they managed to save that. Josh Gad is really incredible and I’m really glad Lefou got his happy ending.

I don’t need to say anything about Ian McKellen, Ewan McGregor, Emma Thompson, Kevin Kline, Stanley Tucci, Gugu Mbatha-Raw or Audra McDonald because some of these are in my list of favorite actors. I think they were an amazing cast so I should mention Lucy Bevan in charge of the casting, I thought her job was done wonderfully.


Of course that being a hella passionate Disney fan means that I’m a little bit critical. In this case not that much. My complain was that they didn’t include “Human Again” and instead wrote an original song that carried the same message. I didn’t expect for the song to be included since it was also cut from the animated version. However I thought they could have done a lot of creative scenarios with it. Sadly, they didn’t.


My second complaint was perhaps the book the beast shows to Belle where they then proceed to travel to a small place in Paris where she was born. Even though I loved the fact that they told us  more about Belle I thought it was a little too much magic for me. I know it’s a fairytale and more magical things are shown, however I think we didn’t need another scene to add to the whole magic aspect of the movie.

I’m not even going to deepen in the way they played with Emma Watson’s voice and how auto-tuned it was. Instead I’m going to say I was glad this movie had a sort of musical vibe, they added more songs giving the film a Broadway adaptation style. My final little complaint was the dress. Belle’s dress was… I don’t know how to put it but… meh? It was as if Disney was making it easier for the people in charge of making Disney Store’s dresses.


In general, Disney delivered a great adaptation much more developed and deepened than Cinderella. I know, I don’t like to compare either but it’s inevitable even though I personally loved Cinderella’s movie.

What about you? Have you seen the movie? Which Disney movie do you think should have a live action adaptation?

Hope we read each other soon!

PS: I have this other post where I talk about some facts about the original Beauty and the Beast movie, it’s pretty interesting! check it out if you feel like it 🙂

Don’t forget

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This is a daily reminder to not forget yourself.

Dance around the house a little. Be ridiculous. Blast that guilty pleasure song you hear at night when everyone is dreaming or at morning when everybody is still asleep.

Drink whatever you like in your favorite mug. Drink juice, water, coffee, chocolate milk, even soda.

Watch your favorite show, movie, anime, cartoon. Or read. Read poems, stories, biographies, nonfiction.

Eat whatever you like, today is your day. And if you need to go shopping to get some food, so be it. Buy the most delicious cookies, your favorite snack, your favorite candy.

Change your hair, cut it short or decide to leave it long. Go shopping, dress nicely or stop worrying so much and stay comfortable.

Think about yourself, compliment yourself, read essays, exams, writings that got you a good grade or a compliment in school, university or work.

Don’t feel unloved. Remember love comes in millions of ways and forms.

And remember: You come first, then the world.

Random topic: The Big Wedding and Whitewashing

Hey guys! I have been thinking about doing this for a while now. I wanted to start a sort of section (?) in my blog where I discuss or more like write about random topics. Sometimes I want to write about things here but I feel like I can’t because they come from nowhere. Like maybe about a movie that premiered a long ago and I just watched. Or an old book, or something about Harry Potter, you get the idea?

Anyway yesterday I watched The Big Wedding (2013) with Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, and Susan Sarandon between other known actors (Ben Barnes, Amanda Seyfried, Katherine Heigl, etc.) It called my attention for the amount of great actors it had and also because I love Robert De Niro.

It was a really bad movie overall, the plot was predictable, full of jokes that had the intention of making you laugh but failed miserably and kind of aimless as well. Like a really, really bad comedy you knew it was going to be bad because no one knows about it and you thought you might have seen one of the actors in one of Grey’s Anatomy’s episodes but you’re not quite sure except this movie had A list actors that you can’t really understand how is it that they ended up agreeing to make this movie in the first place.

But that was not what bothered me. Yeah because if I’m going to start this Random Section thing in my blog might as well do it to complain about things. What made me hate this movie was the fact that they used Ben Barnes, a known english actor, they tanned him a bit and used him to portray a colombian young man who was adopted by a north american family. They even made him speak spanish.

I know this is not new. Hollywood does it all the time, they whitewash even the tiniest characters with no importance. However, I cannot help but be mad about it. Cause it wasn’t just that. Alejandro’s (Ben Barnes character) biological mother was from Colombia and was supposed to come with her other daughter to his wedding. She was supposed to be this really religious woman who prayed and stuff. Stereotyping much? Not only that stereotype but his biological sister was supposed to be this really promiscuous girl who jacked off Alejandro’s brother (the one from the north american family, not the colombian. That would be incest and even if they weren’t blood related they still both were Alejandro’s siblings so it was kind of weird)

So it’s like that for South America, we are seen as religious prudes or we are whores who only think of sex. I also know it’s not only with Latinos. Ghost in the Shell (2017), a movie adaptation of a japanese manga is getting boycotted because Scarlett Johansson, one of Hollywood’s most whitest actresses probably is portraying Motoko Kusanagi. A character that should have been given to an actual japanese actress. Which for me was really devastating since I used to admire Scarlett Johansson. Her trying to defend her decision on why she thought it was okay to pursue the role didn’t help at all.

But because I’m latina I thought maybe I told you a little more about other roles that were supposed to be for Latinos but ended up going for american actors.

  • Catherine Zeta-Jones in Zorro

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Though Shakira and Salma Hayek were considered for the role of Elena in Zorro, Catherine Zeta-Jones ended up playing her in both movies Zorro, and The Mask of the Zorro. I do think that these were spanish characters from spain and not South America. even though a lot of South American countries have spanish heritage. (Take me for example half of my family comes from Spain)

  • Al Pacino in Scarface


In famous movie Scarface he plays the role of Tony Montana, a Cuban drug kingpin.

  • Meryl Streep (and others) in The House of The Spirits


I love Meryl Streep just as much as the next person however in 1993 she portrayed Clara Trueba in the movie The House of The Spirits based in the book by chilean author, Isabel Allende. The movie is set in Chile and the filmmakers decided to cast Jeremy Irons, Glenn Close and Winona Ryder.

  • Ethan Hawke in Alive


Are you guys familiar with the famous case of the uruguayan rugbiers who got stuck in Los Andes after their plane crashed? It was really well-known because a lot of the rugbiers who survived had to to resort to anthropophagy, meaning they had to eat their dead friends to survive (yeah that’s a  horrible way of putting it) Anyway I guess it was a good plot for a movie because in 1993 Hollywood decided to make the movie casting Ethan Hawke as Fernando ‘Nando’ Parrado, the Uruguayan rugbier.

  • Hank Azaria in The Birdcage


In the movie The Birdcage, Azaria portrays the  role of a gay Guatemalan housekeeper. He won a SAG award for his role.

  • Johnny Depp in Before Night Falls


In Before Night Falls he plays two cuban characters, Lt. Victor and Bon Bon, a drag queen. Javier Bardem, a spanish actor won an oscar for playing Reinaldo Arenas, the cuban poet and novelist.

  • Madonna in Evita


This one hits home. Madonna portrayed Eva Peron, the famous argentine first lady in the movie Evita. I’m not even going to comment on this one.

  • Natalie Wood in West Side Story


In this movie, where two street gangs are rivals, on of them is puerto rican and though they did cast Rita Moreno as Anita and that earned her an Oscar, they also casted Natalie Wood as Maria, bummer.

There’s a lot more actors and actresses who have accepted roles that could have easily been portrayed by latino actors, black actors, asian actors. And thought it always comes in question whether the filmmakers or the actors should carry the blame, remember the filmmakers do the casting but the actors also accept the roles.

source: Latina Magazine

Hope we read each other soon!

P.S: I don’t hate any of the actors by the way (except Johnny Depp, I don’t like him) I do think that they should have thought about if before accepting those roles.

Los Angeles feelings

I’m back. Back here and back from vacations. This time, back from California.

Let me tell you a little something, I don’t really remember when was the first time I thought about moving to a specific place but I can clearly remember that moving to United Stated was always a fixated point since I was 17 years old.

I think I had this idealized idea of moving to Los Angeles because I’m a huge Hollywood fan. I love movies, they’re great when you want to get away from the reality of your life. And so I fell in love with the idea of moving to a place where things were different. Now I’m not stupid, I know that it’s not like in the movies, it never is. But after having the chance of going to check it for myself, I can definitely say that my wish of moving there is definitely still there. The fact that Disneyland is close from there increase my interest a lot as well.

So my trip started in Anaheim. If you have been reading this blog you will know that I’m a big Disney fan, like big, big Disney fan. So it was a must for me to go to Disneyland, the original park.



My experience was really different from what I was expecting but I wouldn’t say it was bad. If there’s something I learned is that if my dreams come true and I get to go a second time, I am definitely not going on a sunday. It was our last day and our second time in the park, me and my sister could only do one game because of how long the lines were. It also didn’t help the fact that by the time I was there a major storm had step upon us. I heard people saying it was one of the biggest California had… my luck.

Despite that I do believe it was a magic experience. Back in Orlando (where I have been going to Disney once a year since like 2012) I never met any character, finding them was impossible but in Disneyland characters seem to appear all the time. I got a lot of pictures with a bunch of them, Aurora from The Sleeping Beauty, Nick and Judy from Zootopia (I was fangirling hard) and more… some of them are in my instagram if you want to check it out.

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Now though I loved Disney in California I have to say you get a better experience when you go to Orlando. To start with you have a lot of choices regarding hotels. I was used to staying in hotels inside the Disney resort, you get more full of the magic spirit Disney gives you but they were so expensive in Anaheim that we had to stay somewhere else. I don’t complain thought, It was a really nice hotel.

After Anaheim we drove all the way to Las Vegas [Elvis Presley’s “Viva Las Vegas” sounds in the background] If I’m being honest, it was never my kind of scenario but I loved it. Of course I did more of the tourist part of it, I was with my grandparents after all (which sounds like i had to behave properly but it was more like me and my sister asking them to behave) The only reason I played once was because I’m 21 and I don’t look like it I wanted to sit and play so someone could ask me for my ID. I don’t know, haha, I just wanted to show someone I was 21. It didn’t work, nobody asked me nothing and I lost 20 dollars.

And after Las Vegas we finally stayed 10 days in Los Angeles. You have no idea how in love I am with that city. Maybe I still have that La La Land kind of feeling around me, I was so dazzled. Generally when I go on vacations I get to a point where when I’m on my last days there I am ready to leave, like I’m fulfilled or something but here I didn’t want to leave at all. I wanted to stay and do all the things we did all over again.

And it wasn’t as if everything that happened in our trip was beautiful. We did get the chance to go to a lot of places but we have a lot of family arguments not only between each other but with my mother who was back home. But that’s for another post/story. What I’m trying to say here is I loved my trip to Los Angeles.

I have a lot of pictures but I don’t really want to bore you. Instead if you’re a Harry Potter fan then that’s good because I’m going to end this post with some pictures I took of the Warner Bros. Studio Tour.

(Starting with the La La Land café where Mia worked and Warner recreated)


My sister had to refresh my memory cause I honestly didn’t remember seeing this in La La Land. Also, now that I’m talking about the movie how do you feel about the whole Oscar’s mistake. Iconic. I’m so happy for Moonlight but at the same time I would have love for them to receive a proper recognition. (My sister thinks it was rigged and honestly it’s kind of suspicious)

Also this!





I loooooooved Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them but you know what I loved even more? The aesthetic. A very much deserved oscar for best achievement in production design.


Hope we read each other soon!


Some facts about Hamilton’s real life characters

Hi! your always missing blogger is back! I debated a lot whether to write this post or not because like I said in previous posts, I struggle to find out what my blog is really about. On the other hand I was desperate to tell someone about this facts and I didn’t know what to write here so why not show you guys?

Are you fans of Hamilton? fans of history? both? In my case I’m a huge fan of Hamilton and I’m a huge fan of history so I decided to show you guys some facts about the founding fathers + other characters in United States Independence history.

You must think, how is it that you’re interested in this? You’re not even north american. Well, like I also said before I’m a huge history fan and I’m all about facts so when I listened to Hamilton and saw the show through a low quality video that was uploaded to YouTube I decided I needed to know more about these people so here it goes…

  • Congress mocked John Adams when they read his personal diary out loud.
  • Aaron Burr once ate ice cream too quickly, got a brain freeze, and then thought he was dying.
  • Thomas Jefferson had a ram that he called “his abominable animal”, which hospitalized some pedestrians and killed a small boy.
  • Thomas Jefferson also introduced macaroni and cheese to the United States, designed a macaroni machine and invented the first swivel chair.
  • George Washington was given the highest rank in the US military. When he died, he was only a two star general. Over the years after his death, more stars were added to his title; he now has six stars. By law, no one can ever outrank him
  • Marquis de Lafayette was convinced to join the American Revolution by King George III’s brother.
  • John Adams died on the 4th of July, 1826. His last words were, “Thomas Jefferson still survives.” He was sooo wrong, Jefferson died around 5 hours before Adams on exactly the same day.
  • Aaron Burr tried to light a candle with gunpowder. He failed, caught himself on fire, then tried again. Burr was the definition of human disaster.
  •  Alexander Hamilton had a pay book during the Revolutionary War. In the pay book, he wrote about “how in ancient Rome…naked young noblemen whipped young, married women during the celebration of Lupercalia” to help conception, and how orgies helped make “married women more robust and capable of vigorous offspring” To say he was busy during the war is an understatement.
  • Marie Antoinette, knowing that Lafayette was clumsy, invited him to dance. Nervous, he tripped and she laughed at him in front of everyone.
  • Adams was told by his wife Abigail Adams, to “Remember the ladies,” meaning consider giving women rights in the new country being considered. Abigail wrote this to her husband while he was in Philadelphia working towards Independence, and Adams jokingly dismissed that idea, saying “he knew better.”
  • Benjamin Franklin was not allowed to write the Declaration of Independence because everyone thought that he’d try to slip a joke into the document.
  • Marquis de Lafayette napped with george washington under a tree once while using washington’s coat as a blanket.
  • Two days before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the delegates of the Constitutional Convention threw a party where they consumed 54 bottles of Madeira, 60 bottles of claret, 8 bottles of whiskey, 22 bottles of porter, 8 bottles of hard cider, 12 bottles of beer and 7 bowls of alcoholic punch.
  • Benjamin Franklin wrote an essay encouraging scholars to find a method for “improving the odor of human flatulence.”
  • Benjamin Franklin enjoyed “air baths” – reading or writing in his house completely naked.
  • Alexander Hamilton misspelled Pennsylvania on the Constitution.
  • Benjamin Franklin thought America should use simplified English spellings. He said words such as “though,” “through,” and “night” should be spelled “tho,” “thru,” and “nite.”
  • Alexander Hamilton founded the New York Post.
  • He was also the first politician to have his career ruined by a sex scandal.
  • While in England, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams visited William Shakespeare’s house together. They vandalized a chair by chipping off chucks to keep as souvenirs.
  • When George Washington found a lost dog during the battle of Germantown, he returned the dog across enemy lines to the dog’s owner, his opponent from the battle, General Howe.
  • Marquis de Lafayette came to America illegally, against the rules of the king, disguised as a pregnant woman.
  • He eventually got captured and brought back to france; he escaped on a cargo ship and bought all of the cargo to keep the ship from stopping.
  • Lafayette gifted John Quincy Adams an alligator as a pet.
  • Thomas Jefferson broke his wrist trying to impress Maria Cosway, a married woman.
  • Lafayette didn’t tell his wife that he was gone until after he was sailing away.

That’s all I have!

source : theselflessbeggar / buzzfeed

Liebster Award

back at the first week of January I got nominated by Victoria C Rae. I was so excited to do it because I love answering questions but it seems that I totally forgot about it until now so let’s do it. Thank you so much Victoria for nominating me, make sure to go and check her blog if you’re feeling curious!



• Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
• Answer the 11 questions that the blogger gave to you.
• Nominate at least 5, but no more than 11 bloggers who you think deserve the award.
• Tell those bloggers you nominated them!
• Create 11 original questions for the next nominees to answer.


  • 1 Why did you decide to start blogging?

I think is because I’m a big fan of social media but I always feel like I can’t be myself, I wanted a place where I could pour some of my truth freely.

  • 2. Who is your biggest fictional crush?

Well that’s hard. If we’re talking about books then I guess Gansey from the Raven Boys, if we’re talking about movies I think it’s impossible for me to decide. Now if we’re talking about tv shows, Pacey from Dawson’s Creek is my favorite everything haha.

  • 3. What’s a skill you wish you had?

Draw. Or be skilled with the camera.

  • 4. How many books did you read last year?

I’m so embarrassed with this haha. I set myself a goal of 20 books and I only read 10…

  • 5. Which was your favourite?

I’ll give you the sun by Jandy Nelson

  • 6. If you were thrown back in time which time period would you hope to end up in (and why)?

Maybe the 30’s or 20’s. Why? Fashion basically

  • 7. What are you most looking forward to in 2017?

Learning more.

  • 8. What is your all time favourite TV show?

I’m always changing the answer to this question but at the moment I think Sense8

  • 9. Do you have any plans for your blog?

Writing more hopefully

  • 10. What is one of your biggest life goals and how to do you hope to achieve it?

To move to the U.S. How do I plan to achieve it? I guess by finding a place to work there.. I really don’t have a plan formed

  • 11. What animal do you most closely relate to?

Probably a cat.

Those were some great questions!

 I’m leaving this one open for anyone who feels like doing it. 

My questions:

  1. What is your favorite thing about having a blog?
  2. What/Where is your favorite place in the world?
  3. what was the weirdest dream you ever had?
  4. What type of music do you listen to?
  5. A character from a book/movie/series you can strongly relate to?
  6. What do you do when you’re feeling down?
  7. What kind of adult/old person do you imagine yourself being? (angry ones, those that always offer you food, exotic, etc…)
  8. Would you rather live in the city or countryside?
  9. A quote that you love?
  10. what type of blogger do you usually follow?
  11. what social media is your favorite one?

that’s it, hope we read each other soon!

PS: Let me know if you did it, I want to read your answers!